Going Vegan for Beginners

You may have wondered, is going vegan good for your health?
Does going vegan make you lose weight?
What are the health benefits of going vegan?
So many questions when making a big lifestyle shift and change! As a vegan for 6 years we have lots of wisdom and experiences to share. So, let's dive!
Vegans are strict vegetarians who do not consume meat, eggs, dairy products, or product derived from an animal. Vegans also don't wear leather, fur, silk, or wool.
A vegan diet is filled with whole plant-based foods as well as vegetables, grains, nuts, legumes, fruit, and the now ever-expanding selection of meat and dairy alternatives.
Save animals. Protect the planet. Improve your health.
By going vegan, you're automatically decreasing the consumption of animals for food. Every time you vote for a vegan meal, you are voting against animal suffering.
Veganism also helps protect mother earth's natural resources.
Veganism is the ultimate and necessary step for all environmentalists and those wanting to make less of a negative impact on the earth. Animal agriculture is one of the leading causes of deforestation and pollution. It's also the leading cause of species extinction, ocean dead zones, water pollution, and habitat destruction. It's also responsible for 80-90% of US water consumption.
Processed red meats are likely to raise your risk of having cardiovascular disease. There are many studies and documentaries you can watch about the health benefits of veganism and some of my favorites are: Game Changers, Cowspiracy, What the Health, Forks Over Knives, Vegucated, and Food Inc.
You need to see these documentaries for yourself. The research, facts, and information is something you can't look away from.
And yes, Arnold Schwarzenegger is vegan.

It's 2020, and I've just hit my decade as a vegetarian. Ten years ago, I was in the hospital after a surgery recovering when "it" hit me. Food is medicine, and if I want to be healthy, then I need to take care of my body my entire life, not just when I'm older. So that day I decided I was going vegetarian, but I WASN'T doing it cold turkey. I had been a failed vegetarian for two years, having tried cold turkey methods several times, this time would be different. I decided I would take it at my own pace.
Month by month I knocked things off my "do not eat list".
I started with chicken, then one month later red meat, then one year later I knocked off fish. I honored what fit my lifestyle at each stage, and shortly after going full vegetarian, I started my journey towards ethical veganism. "I could never go vegan" was totally in my vocabulary. I used to say it to other friends all the time. But one day, I couldn't unlearn what I had just read about the abuse animals endure for the production of eggs and dairy. Did you know? Cows must give birth to calves to produce milk. Cows don't just magically continue to produce milk, as soon as milk is not present, farmers artificially inseminate females to restart the process. Now the next step is even more disheartening. Shortly after giving birth, calves are taken away from their mothers. With mother cows showing extreme distress, their calves are taken and fed a formula diet because humans will consume the milk she produced for her baby, not her calf. Shit's fucked up huh?
I encourage you to do research, and watch videos of mother cows calling out for their calves. It's heartbreaking and no living being should have to go through these types of abuses. If you're curious why eggs aren't a compassionate choice either, I encourage you to watch the below.
Do it at your own pace:
This is by far the most essential step. Only you know what will work for you, and you must decide that before you start your journey. Are you an "all in" type of person that is instantly committed when your mind makes a decision? Then going vegan cold turkey will probably work for you. Are you more anxious about commitment? Is it hard for you to make a choice? Then maybe starting your journey and taking it step by step might work better for you. Or you could try going vegan for a month? What's important with this step is that you're honest with yourself and create a plan that will end successfully.
It's okay to mess up:
No one is perfect. If one day you have a slip-up, that's okay. Ask yourself why the slip up happened and get back on the wagon. Just because you have one bite of meat or dairy doesn't make you a failure. You're human. Be compassionate with yourself, and try your best every day.
Start with what's familiar:
What are some of your favorite meals or dishes? This is where you'll want to start on your food journey. Veganizing your favorite meals can be lots of fun and the perfect way not to feel overwhelmed. As you go down the vegan route, you might feel frustrated that your options won't be the same. Cooking your favorite meals at home will give you a sense of control. Familiar tastes with different textures. Embrace your new-found creativity in the kitchen and allow yourself to cook and alter flavors intuitively.
Tell your friends & family:
Your friends and family should be there to support you since most importantly they want to see you happy. By sharing this news with your closest confidants, you'll reinforce your motivations for going plant-based while preparing yourself to tell co-workers and other people who might have a harder time understanding. Your closest friends and family will also help you keep your word. It's been shown that when a person verbally states something out loud, they hold themselves more accountable. This accountability could give you the boost you need to commit to a plant-based diet.
When I went vegan, I didn't know any vegans for years. I lived in a small town in New Jersey, and many of my friends didn't understand my new vegan lifestyle. But nowadays, there is almost always at least one other vegan everywhere I go. As conscious consumerism increases, more and more people realize how their decisions impact the world. It's now common for someone to know the term "vegan" without having to explain it for 15 minutes. With social media, it's easier than ever to connect with vegans from around the world and be inspired by their beautiful foods and words. So here is a short list of my favorite conscious living accounts.
Sweet Simple Vegan
Alexa Fueled Naturally
Avante Garde
Conscious Chris
Amanda Sevilla
Chef Eddie Garza
Haile Thomas
We hope you found these tips and stories inspiring. Remember that it's not about being a perfect human, it's all about doing your best every single day.
If you're interested in plant-based life coaching, drop us a comment below. We are currently taking on clients who want to learn about changing their lifestyle. Coaching includes daily text messages with words of encouragement and daily tips as well as a one on one guidance of how to switch to a more conscious lifestyle.
Good luck everyone!
Much love,
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